MPfG Journal: Contest Day

Schedule for the day (from the MPfG site)


After waking far too early (am I being melodramatic? Yes. Do I care? No.), MHG and I walked to breakfast from our dorms. We had food. It was decent food. I found MK and LZ at breakfast, and MK being MK, she clearly needed to bring extra orange juice to the competition. For hydration (When I say “MK being MK,” I refer to ice cream exploits at both MOP and g2 that, granted, I was a very large part of, as well). As such, the walk to the competition venue was utterly nerve-wracking as we watched MK attempt to prevent the orange juice from sloshing out. Like, generally, what I do when I try not to spill something I’m carrying (like milk during breakfast), I’ll just take a few sips and it’ll become far less dangerous. Not to mention I’m not, you know, carrying it for six or seven minutes. And my fingers aren’t freezing off.

And then once we actually got to the building, the doors to the testing room weren’t open yet, or something, so we just all stood on the stairs, MK still holding her orange juice, and waited for another ten minutes. Supposedly, this testing room is infamously hated around campus because a lot of hard math class finals are given in this room. No matter if that’s true or not, the fact is, I don’t think the room is the most financially endowed? Mostly because my desk had a dent in it.

LZ, MK, and I were not among the first to get into the room, so we sat rather near the back of the room. MK was initially going to sit in the seat I sat in, but then she switched to the one next to it. I didn’t realize why until, well. You know. Dent.


Uh, ook, I’m not talking about the test. It was hard. Moving on.


Lunch was in a huge…room filled with round tables. I would call it an auditorium, but I don’t actually remember if it was an auditorium. I really should’ve done this a lot earlier, like say right after the end of MPfG. Anyway

Each table was covered with a tablecloth and a puzzle. The puzzle was one of those logic puzzles where we’re given some hints and then want to figure out random facts about fictional characters. Kind of like Einstein’s five house riddle thing. All of the people sitting at the table with me—I think some g2 people, MOP people, and MHG, but not Soar because I think she was talking to some other people?—got together to work on the puzzle. Once we finished, we went to stand in line for lunch.

At this point, Soar found us again and, apparently, she also found my phone. Straight out of my pocket. Which I only discovered because she’d started using my phone to take photos and videos of me.

I’m laughing in delight as I talk to LZ and MHG and watch JW being bombarded by autograph requests. Well, technically, it’s only the one autograph request, but it’s still quite funny to think that I technically know many celebrities. Maybe they’re only celebrities in the incredibly small math competition community, but it’s still honestly bizarre to think about. JW glances around somewhat sheepishly, though to be fair, her eyebrows always look a bit sheepish. 

But the thing is, it’s just bamboozling that JW, first and foremost my friend who likes to stay up past midnight to complex bash into incohesion, is actually someone who legit gets asked for autographs. On the other hand, I kind of get it. Because back in the day, when Jason first got into MOP like, more than half a decade ago (!!!), my mom asked him to get an autograph of Alan Liu, too. So it’s kind of like on the same level, you know? Maybe even worse, because Jason actually had to interact with Alan Liu for another month at MOP after asking for that autograph, while this fan would probably never need to see JW again.

Well, never mind that: that’s food for thought later. For now, clearly my first and foremost priority is to keep teasing JW. “JW! I didn’t know you were giving out autographs now. Can I have one?”

“Do you have paper?”

“Write your name on my forehead then! :)”

I open my mouth, perhaps to keep laughing, perhaps to say something to the effect of “lol hahaha JW oh god I can’t believe loool.” But just at that moment I turn, glancing around for perhaps more people approaching for an autograph, and see Soar. “When did you—” join us, I was going to say.

But wait. She’s taking a video. Of me. With… “Is that my phone?! How did you get my phone!?!”

Once again, I do believe this only emphasizes the importance of thievery in friendship. 

Awards Ceremony?

After we all finished eating, a few of us found a separate table to play Fish! (Or it was probably Fish, it might’ve been Tractor, as well) The fishergals were KS, Me, RW, JW, AGe, and SLu (And probably some other people). As KS tried to check if the deck was complete, I talked a bit with MHG.

Eventually, as the room began to empty, the staff members decided to kick us out. Very rude 🙁 Like, at MOP, the Resnik staff literally didn’t kick us out until, like, three or four hours after dinner ended. Here, we barely overstayed our welcome by ten or twenty minutes! Lol, jk.

Anyway, at that point, the awards ceremony had already begun, so we headed over to the big auditorium. We kind of didn’t want to go to the awards ceremony, though, so a few of us went to get some boba at TeaDo, a shop in the Stratton Student Center.

My boba! It was called “grasshopper” or something, which for some reason was autocorrected to “grad school.”

But even after our boba stop, the awards ceremony still seemed awfully boring for us short-attention-spanned teens, so Kaylee from g2, JW, RW, AGe, EB, VH, KS, and I sat outside the awards ceremony room and played Tractor (an epic Chinese card game you should all learn) on the ground. That way, we were able to hear their loud applause and thus when the actual awards part of the ceremony started but we would also be entertained.

At some point, LR, Turtle, and friends found us in the auditorium lobby. His friends didn’t actually know our names, so there was a rather amusing scene wherein they actually believed our nametags, not knowing that our favorite hobby (besides cards and math) is apparently switching nametags. It was utterly delightful, because no one has believed our nametags in months!

We took a short break in our card game to listen in to the awards. JW got first place! VLoh also placed, like, well! (Jason: dElEtE tHe LiKe tHaT’s bad grammar! Me: iT’s a StYlE i KnOw yOu’Re uNsTyLisH aNd cAn’T uNdErStand—Jason: *poke* Sophie: *pout* so very hurt 🙁 Jason: … I barely touched you! Sophie: :)) Meanwhile, IZ stole Turtle’s hat and then got second place, so she went onto stage with the hat. Turtle insisted that this clearly meant that he was the one who got second place :P.

Afterpartranking = Afterparty pranking

After the awards ceremony, we went outside the auditorium and discovered that JW’s brother + friends had brought a celebratory gift for her! It was an entire cooler-full of packs of fruit snacks. Why a cooler-full, you ask? It was the most convenient container of the right size. They then proceeded to dump it all over her head.

What followed next was proof—proof, I say—that thievery is essential for all friendships, not just my friendship with Soar and MHG

After the great Fruit Snack Dump™, we stood around talking and socialising. I consider such socialization as a way to cancel out the fact that I’m basically impossible to contact when I’m not meeting someone face-to-face, so there needs to be excessive amounts of talking and catching up. There also needs to be excessive amounts of friendliness and agreeability, so naturally, when LR walks over and tells me I should steal BW’s purple hat, I couldn’t refuse.

BW, though, is a very observant person. On the one hand, this makes a successful steal very satisfying. On the other, it makes a successful steal very, very difficult. 

I slowly drop out of whatever conversation we’re currently having, wandering back over to the cooler for a fruit snack. On my way back, I slowly creep up behind BW. In my fuzzy pink jacket, I’m not exactly the most inconspicuous. Maybe he’ll think I’m a giant cup of strawberry boba? Who knows, stranger things have happened, right? And we drink so much boba anyway, is it that out of the realm of possibility that he might see me, think I’m a cup of boba, and assume he’s just drank so much boba that he’s seeing walking, talking boba? Oh, what am I even doing!? I don’t need to be sneaky about this, I just need to do it!

Wow, what a good motivational speech! Maybe I’ll memorize it for the next time I need to encourage my friends.

I rise to my tippy-toes, snatch BW’s hat straight from his head, and run.

BW snaps around immediately. I’m hardly a dozen feet away before he’s giving chase. I duck behind LR, for he is an immoveable mountain of will and determination. After all, he made IMO, so surely he can protect me on the very quest that he ordained. It’s like, Gandalf could protect Frodo from a furious Gollum. Clearly this is the same thing! (Not that I actually remember enough of Lord of the Rings to know if that’s an accurate analogy)

BW comes rushing over, all fury and anger and brinestones. LR ducks away. 

My immoveable mountain is gone, leaving me in the direct path of BW. All that’s left is a battle of courage and determination, then. A standoff the like of bull and gladiator of old or two cars both determined not to swerve. A test of who will blink first, who will stand tall and—and oh gosh why is he glaring at me like that no stop it you’re too tall how am I supposed to keep the hat from you—“Aaah okay okay! Have your hat back!”

I pout at my loss and sulk into a corner—or at least, as much of a corner as exists on a large field of dirt—to eat my fruit snacks in peace.

With my stomach a bit more full of rubbery, gummy sugar, my mood also improves. Turtle has somehow gotten his golden hat back from IZ, so therefore, since I can’t get BW’s for long, perhaps I should give Turtle’s a try. After all, he’s much less attentive!

But then again, Turtle’s most valuable possession is hardly his hat. Of course, it is an iconic part of his vibe, but his raincoat is also an iconic part of his vibe and I’ve never stolen that. Rather, his most valuable possessions must be his turtles. Because, like, what else would Turtle value? Rabbits?

I can’t be as cavalier and foolhardy about this thievery as I was about BW’s hat, however. After all, I’d rather actually be successful for once. So this time, I need a…

PLAN (PLot to Accomplished Neatly)

Step 1: Verify Turtle’s inattention.

Step 2: Pick a low risk target.

Step 3: Carry out the thievery.

It checks all three of the neccessities for a good plan: Simple, Awesome, and Doable (SAD). Let’s do it!

Step 1: Verify inattention

I walk up to Turtle and start poking him with my empty fruit snack packet. Poke. Poke. Poke. Poke. Po—Turtle opens his hand and accepts the fruit snack, seemingly without even realizing that he’s now holding anything. Loool. I suppose, despite being a human, Turtle is still sufficiently turtle-like that he wants to prevent pollution. The real question is: how many fruit snack packets can I give him before he notices that I’m giving him trash? Clearly I must figure this out. For the sake of science.

I eat another pack of fruit snacks. Poke. Poke. Poke. Turtle accepts the gift.


I don’t think I have the stomach right now to eat another pack, so I suppose I can continue the experiment later.

Step 2: Pick target

At the moment, Turtle seems to have three turtles on him: Mr. Herb on his lanyard, with a silent H; a smaller stuffed turtle on his backpack; and a little plastic rectangle thing with a picture of a turtle. Mr. Herb is a difficult choice because he’s literally hanging from Turtle’s neck and even the least observant person would probably notice something being taken straight from in front of their eyes.The little 2D plastic turtle picture might work because it’s on his backpack and therefore he probably won’t notice me touching it, but at the same time, it’s connected to one of his zippers using one of those keyring things, which are ridiculously difficult to remove. Besides, a picture of a turtle just isn’t satisfying.

Which leaves us with little stuffed turtle. That one’s not ideal, either, because it’s tied to the backpack on a little rubber rope with the hand sanitizer. It looks like a bit of a bother to remove, but even so, it’s our best option.

Step 3: Just do it!

I eat another pack of fruit snacks to infuse myself with some solid, squishy courage. Then I poke it into Turtle’s hands, which is honestly still too hilarious for words. He still doesn’t notice a thing, so I step behind him to observe his bag. There’s these little bulbous parts on the rubber rope that kind of act like knots on a normal rope that make sure the turtle and hand sanitizer won’t fall off the backpack. If I pull on the rubber too gently, it won’t get past that bulbous part at all and I’ll basically just alert Turtle to my actions (if he’s paying attention, which is also somewhat unlikely). If I pull on it too hard, Turtle might also notice. So I need to do it just right and—oh, alright, I admit it. I’m mayybe putting it off a tiny bit.

But no more putting it off! I shall get to it immediately. As in, like, now. Now now. I reach my hand out and tug. Down goes one rubber knot, and two more to go! And thank god and my natural, inherent skill (lol), Turtle doesn’t notice.

But JW does. “What are you doing?” she whisper hisses at me.

I spin around and smile innocently. “Oh, nothing.”

“…?” She raises an eyebrow. “You sure?”

“Oh, alright. So maybe I’m stealing—er, getting—the turtle.”

“Ah, okay.”

I stare at her. She stares back. We each wait for the other to do something. Well, okay. JW’s not a snitch so clearly this must be fine. I wll continue.

I take another tug.

But this time, I pull too hard. Turtle’s head jerks up, ever so slightly, and he looks around in confusion. I duck behind his back, but JW is not so fast. Turtle catches sight of her before she can even move, which is probably a good thing because at least that means she’s not acting too suspicious when he catches her. “Oh, hello, JW.”

JW shrugs. “Just…eating some fruit snacks.” She pulls a pack out of her pocket and smiles.

“Sure.” Turtle has a certain tone of saying “sure.” It’s a very flat “sure,” so it always sounds a tiny bit deadpan or sarcastic even if he’s being entirely unsarcastic. I think this time it’s unsarcastic, but he might start getting suspicious. Not to mention everyone else can see what I’m doing. Maybe they aren’t paying attention, but maybe they are and plan to bring it up in a few minutes. So I should probably finish this soon before I can’t.

I give one out tug and it falls open. The turtle tumbles into my hand, I reconnect the hand sanitizer rope, and scamper.


With the adrenaline rush of that success, I lose some of what little common sense I have left am now basically an accomplished cat burglar at this point, so I might as well set my sights on Turtle’s Herb. It’s not something I can get sneakily, so, right in front of Turtle, I lift the lanyard off his neck, struggling immensely with getting it around his hat. This time, Turtle notices. “Hey!”

“See ya!” I shoot off. As I run, I try to think through the logistics of this choice. I’m not going to be able to keep the lanyard because Turtle will insist that it actually has important things, like his room key. I will be able to get Herb, but he’ll know I have Herb and will therefore be constantly attempting to get it back. So I need to use getting Herb as a cover for getting something else, so he won’t realize I’ve taken that something else and I’ll be able to keep it for longer. And, well. Speaking of Turtle’s room key, he once mentioned he has, like, at least half a dozen more turtles in his room. So if I want more turtles, the best way is clear.

Turtle hasn’t come chasing after his stuff yet. I suppose he’s busy doing something else, which gives me the perfect opportunity to wiggle the key out of the keyring. I wander away, whistling cheerfully, and pretend as if I’m not doing anything suspicious at all.

Score! The key is out, Herb is out, and let me just put a fruit snack empty baggy on the key ring as well, just to see if he’ll notice.

 JW joins me on the outskirts of the group. To celebrate her win and also because Turtle is coming our way, I give her the two turtles and the key. Sure enough, Turtle walks over to us. I shove the lanyard at him, smile angelically, and escape.

Later, JW and I plotted to sneak into Turtle’s room and steal all his turtles. Well, actually, I’m not sure if that’s what we were planning because it’s kind of weird to sneak into someone’s room, even if it’s to steal turtles, but we were plotting something and talking about dorms. Anyway,  we didn’t know where his room was, exactly, but luckily, we had LZ. Why luckily? Well, Turtle already showed LZ around campus on Saturday. Of course, his tour was kind of bad because he just took her around a bunch of the tunnels (MIT has a bunch of tunnels running under the campus through which students can get around without actually being touched by sunrays, and thus continue being pale nerds) and showed her some pipes, but she did end up getting a room tour, as well. Before we could actually get away, though, Turtle decided to give us a room tour, anyway, so around 5 pm, LZ, VLoh, JW, Turtle, and I headed for Next House.

Room Tour!!!

I’ve always known that Next House is the dorm full of math nerds. Most MOPpers end up going to MIT, and most MOPpers at MIT go to Next House. The only reason my brother isn’t at Next House is that he was unlucky and didn’t draw “Next” in the dorm lottery. And I’m being serious here, MIT does a dorm lottery. This isn’t an analogy.

My point being, the moment we walked in, we found LR (who’d long since left the celebration outside the auditorium) standing in the lobby with his computer, trying to get food from the vending machine. Apparently, he was trying to work on the paper he hadn’t yet started that was due in an hour, or something along the lines of that timeline.

Then, we went up to Turtle’s floor, returned his key to him so he could let us into his room, and then stole his turtles. Um…oops, very sorry?

By that point, it was almost 6 pm, so we headed for dinner!


Okay, so before we talk about dinner, let’s back up real quick. During the awards ceremony, at 3:30 pm, Jason sent me a text asking if I had any dinner plans. Apparently, JW’s parents (though Jason told me that [JW’s brother’s name]’s parents were doing a free dinner because he heard about it from JW’s brother) were planning to host dinner at 5 Spices House, presumably to celebrate JW’s rank at MPfG. Of course, we hadn’t technically reached that part of the awards ceremony yet, but considering JW got, like, most of the questions right, and a score of 10/20 was literally enough for the top ten this year because the problems were hard, well.

I kind of imagined it as a sort of buffet thing, like what someone did one year at MathCounts. Because I thought that if I was invited by Jason was invited by JW’s brother, there were probably a lot of people going so it can’t possibly be one of those sit-down dinner things where you actually order dishes. So I was like, “Maybe, because I think I’m dinner-ing with some TJ folks” (TJ gang being a group of people at MOP who either went to Thomas Jefferson (TJ) or ended up becoming friends with students from TJ). “Lemme see if they want to go?” (to this buffet style thing that I was imagining)

So I went and asked JW about if there’s space for one or two more people, and then she was like, “What dinner?”

At that point, I realized something strange was going on.

Maybe it was just supposed to be a surprise?

So I decided to go and ask the TJs about it, anyway. I found LZ, IZ, and Turtle sitting in a row in the auditorium (well, more accurately, I saw Turtle’s yellow bucket hat, which was on IZ’s head) and asked them about what we were going to eat for dinner. I think MK, the other TJ student present, had already left MIT when dinner rolled around, so I don’t think I asked her. The general consensus was “idk,” so apparently we’d decided to go eat dinner but not where we were going.

Eventually, we decided to go to dinner with JW’s group if there was space, except it was apparently too far from campus so IZ didn’t go with us.

Fast forward a few hours and it was 6 pm and time to get dinner!

Dinner was a two-hour long ordeal. The attendees were JW’s parents, JW, Turtle, LZ, me, and Jason’s entire pod + friends. What do I mean by pod? Essentially, during the pandemic year, all MIT students were put in these groups of up to six students to make sure the entire school of nerds didn’t just spend the pandemic year sitting in their dorms all lonely. Jason and JW’s brother were in the same pod. They also made some additional friends outside the pod that sort of became the group of people that would hang out together and play massive, like, 10-player games of Tractor into the wee hours during weekends. 

Which meant that we had a total dinner party of 13 people.

Most of whom couldn’t decide what to eat, so it probably took about two hours for everyone to actually decide what to eat, particularly since JW’s parents decided to let the kids sit at one table while they sat at another, meaning the ordering was left up to said kids, many of whom were also bad at Chinese (myself included). In the end, Jason took charge and went around the table asking each person to pick a dish while I wrote it down. Well, I tried to write it down, but then Jason decided I was taking too long and took over my phone, as well.

The good thing about the whole process, though, is that I now know exactly what we ate, even though I can’t remember exactly how it tasted. 

Our meal:

  • 干锅肥肠
  • 蚂蚁上树
  • 干锅鱼片
  • 麻婆豆腐
  • 鱼香茄子
  • 椒盐鱿鱼
  • 锅巴鱼片
  • 夫妻肺片
  • 夫妻肺片 (no, not a typo. Two people decided to get the same thing even though, being a Chinese restaurant, everyone shares the dishes)
  • 樟茶鸭
  • 蒜炒上海苗
  • 干煸四季豆
  • 干锅田鸡

If you want to know what all of that was, look it up. Just copy pasta on Google, don’t try to google translate it. Because a translation will just make you incredibly concerned. Like, one of them is “Husband and wife lung” and another is “ants on tree.”

Campus Tour!!!

After dinner, we all split up, by which I mean Jason’s friends left the restaurant first and stood outside, then when JW, LZ, Turtle, and I left, we didn’t see them. But anyway. We went back to the hotel at Kendall Square, where we picked up IZ to keep hanging out. Then, we went back to TeaDo because LZ and Turtle hadn’t gotten boba yet.

On the way back, Turtle showed us around a bit. At 8:30, he showed us some of the murals in the tunnels. We found some paint lying around, so IZ drew a smiley face on a piece of paper.

Here’s one mural!
Here’s another!

A whiteboard told us that by 2050, the mass of plastic in the ocean will equal that of fish, which is really quite depressing. There are also some interestingly designed elevator doors that apparently always stay open?

The always open elevators?

Then we found the banana lounge, where I took a photo of a banana and a piano outside the banana lounge (a lounge in MIT that has many, many free bananas. It smells very banana-y), but somehow forgot to actually take a photo of anything inside the banana lounge.

A banana from the famous banana lounge!
The piano outside the banana lounge. We tried getting Turtle to play on it, but he insisted he’d find a better piano for us.

Eventually, we got to the Stratton Student Center, but we had a bit of difficulty getting in. You see, JW and I have been doing a sort of game where every time we reach a door, we’ll sort of be aggressively polite, hold the door open, and refuse to go in until the other does. “You first.” “No you first.” This results in a stalemate where sometimes, we’ll go in at the same time, and sometimes, we stare at each until the other folds. Stratton Student Center has two layers of doors, so while JW and I were doing this by the outer doors, LZ and IZ waited for us in the inner doors. Meanwhile, Turtle didn’t even realize anything was going on, so he just kept walking until he reached TeaDo. Then he looked behind himself. To the right. To the left. Through the glass of TeaDo, he could finally see our nonsense. “Uh…what are you guys doing?! Come on!”

It was all very amusing.

Eventually, we got around to actually getting the boba.

Getting boba 2.0

After that, we headed up to the top floor of Stratton Student Center, where we called LR. Back when we found LR at the vending machine, he offered to take us on a campus tour, so I guess we were taking him up on the offer? While we waited for LR, IZ gave Turtle a crochet turtle (at 9 pm, and a bunch of us took a video of him because we’re basically paparazzi).

Except I’m not actually entirely sure if we were taking him up on the offer, because once LR did show up, none of us actually wanted to get up and move. We were all too tired and just wanted to keep sitting there. But LR told us that he knew the campus extremely well and would give the best campus tour, so a bit before 10 pm, we got up and followed him. 

Here’s a bunch of photos I took. It’s probably an incomplete list of everywhere we went, but all things considered I didn’t even know where we were most of the time when we were actually on the tour, so that’s not saying much.

So first, we might’ve gone to the MIT museum or something, because here’s a bunch of vases.


Then we went to the MIT Dome, famous for once having a police car on its roof, complete with donuts and a police officer dummy inside. The most recent Dome hack was a huge Captain America shield.

The dome.

We then dropped into a random classroom, where Turtle, LZ, IZ, and LR drew turtles and blasphemy (“Geo is the best,” as if!)

A classroom.

Here’s a bunch of nitrogen we found lying around in one corridor. 

Happy (late) Nano day!

Also, Happy Nano Day! Here’s a clean room.

This is a clean room.
Did you know these things were called bunny suits? Because I definitely didn’t.

Back to the banana lounge! Those crates are empty now, but they used to be filled with bananas. LOOK AT HOW MANY CRATES THERE ARE. THERE ARE MORE INSIDE. Also look! Isn’t the wall of stickies cute? I’m not sure what it’s for, but it’s very cute.

Banana art!

Ok, naptime. (It’s 10:16, so maybe thirty minutes into the tour?)

Here’s another classroom. It might be 26-100, where many classes are in and thus it’s a famous classroom? I’m not sure what the logic here was, but Jason thinks it might be 26-100 so I trust him. Someone wrote some graffiti on the blackboards (USC > Harvard > MIT) that was clearly wrong, so LR went down and fixed it to say USC > Harvard < MIT. Also, Turtle’s hat has somehow migrated to LR’s head.

At 10:30, we went to some music rooms so that Turtle could wow us with his playing. LR went so far as to get under the piano to hear the music better (which is actually legitimately valid: dad does that at home, sometimes, as well). He then called some friends over, so we were soon joined in the music room by them.

We spent another twenty minutes in the music rooms. Then we headed over to Stata Center! On our way over, we kind of passed the banana lounge again, and this time, we also kind of picked up yet another person (another of LR’s friends, though I should probably mention that I’m pretty sure all these friends were also Turtle’s friends because I think they’ve all been math competition related). 

Stata Center is a huge, yellow and silver…thing. Just look it up and you’ll see what I mean. It’s honestly ridiculous, is what it is. Among the many attractions at Stata are: a bunch of cranes hanging from the ceiling, a huge carnival fun house mirror, and a marble computer thing. Essentially, the marble computer thing is you drop a marble from the top, where Turtle is standing, and then based on how you turn the levers on the way down, the marble will end up somewhere. I think turning the lever things are basically how you can add or multiply or something, and then where the marble ends up is like the answer to your arithmetic question. Or something. We were mostly just messing around.

By that point, IZ and LZ’s parental units, who were getting increasingly worried when their children weren’t back yet, insisted on them going back. Which was fair, considering it was almost 11 pm at that point. I’ve never actually stayed out as late as 11 pm before (except at the MOP and g2 all-nighters, which don’t count)!

So we walked IZ and LZ back to their hotel. JW, Turtle, LR+friends, and I also kind of agreed to wrap up this tour up soon, but they wanted to show JW and me the media lab, first.

So we walked to the old media lab, but that one was locked at this time of night, so we headed to the new media lab, instead. I don’t actually know what the media lab is for. I just know that it’s filled with a bunch of strange gimmicks and things. For instance, there were four chairs like these ones. Turtle is very skilled at sitting and showed us how to balance the chair on the tiny little flat part on the bottom of the chair. JW and LR rocked him on his chair to knock him off balance and punish him for showing off his balancing skills put him to sleep? After some of this, we decide to call JC for some reason (maybe because we were talking about how he and JW are dating?). JW and Turtle both called him, but JC only picked up JW’s call :P.

Then, we may or may not have stacked the top chairs into a tower taller than a person. Maybe. But if we did do that, we took it down immediately, so it wasn’t dangerous! Lol

After that, we went back to our dorms, though we took a short stargazing break on our way back. So technically, we did basically return after dropping LZ and IZ off. It’s just that, well. We may have spent just a tad long on the media lab, because I only got back at around 1:20 am. Oops!

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