MOP Live-Action Mafia: A Brief Recap

June 11 (Saturday)

We got our roles for Live-action Mafia today! Live-Action Mafia is essentially just a very complicated variation of the social deduction game in which each real-life day is a day in the game and in order to kill, the mafias have to physically go up to someone, tap their shoulder, and say “Bang.” There are 38 people playing. The mafia-aligned players attempt to kill all the town-aligned players (and vice versa). Besides town vs. mafia alignment, each player also gets a “role” such as “secret admirer,” “roleblocker,” or “vigilante.”

The mafia-aligned players consist of four mafias and three serial killers. The mafias know one another’s identities and collectively remove one player from the game every day, while the serial killers know no one’s identity and can each remove one player every two days. If the mafias go two days in a row without killing anyone, one of the mafias dies due to bloodlust. If a serial killer goes three consecutive days without killing, they die from bloodlust.

Also, the mafia collectively gets two extra kills for the entire game. The mafia also have two “traps,” which essentially means that, if the mafias know what someone’s role is, they can trap that player and kill them at any point. If the mafias guess someone’s role incorrectly, the trap fails and they lose a trap. However, if they don’t make a mistake, they can reuse the trap indefinitely.

Every night, everyone votes (via a form) on who they suspect of being mafia-aligned, and the person with the most votes is executed in the game.

I’m the mafia. So are VivL, LH, and AZ.

June 12 (Sunday)

At some point today, ESh tried to kill AZ. AZ pled guilty, revealing to ESh that he’s the mafia. Thus, we found out that ESh is the serial killer. Then, during singing troupe, ESh also killed LR. Because of the first attempted killing of AZ, he wasn’t technically allowed to do that, so we just counted it as one of our extra kills.

LH killed RG on the third floor at some point.

Then, I finally popped into our mafia group chat, caught up on everything that happened, and informed them all that JC might suspect ESh. What happened was that ESh was out for dinner alone with LR. LR thought ESh was acting suspicious, so he sent the message “if I die in mafia, it was ESh” to JC and MLu. I was sharing JC‘s phone for the seminar when LR sent the message to JC, so I thought JC would likely suspect ESh. Thus, the mafia decided to eliminate JC.

There is a certain item called a “honey jar” that, when used, will make any person freely trappable, and thus freely killable. LH, who got a honey jar from killing RG, used the honey jar to splash JC. JC was then trapped, so ESh thus proceeded to kill him at the foosball table around 10:30 pm. Interestingly, JC didn’t actually realize that he’d been killed. Apparently, when ESh did the tap bang and then informed JC that he was dead, JC did not hear the first bang and assumed the dead thing was a joke.

Then, at the end of the day, ESh was executed 🙁

Oh, another thing. While we were eating in Tepper, JW and AGe told the whole table that they were vigilantes, so we could now trap them both.

June 13 (Monday)

I killed LuT at 8:39 pm on the 4th floor right outside the elevator. Somehow, he, like JC, apparently did not realize he had died, so he was presumably very confused when MG, the game moderator, announced his death.

LH killed KW on the 2nd-floor lounge at 9:10 pm. This gave him a honey jar and used up our last extra kill.

Finally, DerL was executed. The reason DerL was executed was that he decided he didn’t really want to play, so he went around asking everyone to vote him out. It worked, clearly.

The people playing mafia were discussing how interesting it was that all the black moppers were apparently dying one after the other in the game. They theorized that, if AGu, the last remaining IMO team member, died, then it would fit the pattern, and if AGu did not die, then perhaps he was the mafia. Thus, many people agreed to execute AGu tomorrow in the case that he doesn’t die.

June 14 (Tuesday)

KV died at 5:10 pm near the ping pong table. He was killed by one of the two serial killers remaining (recall that ESh was executed).

After singing troupe, as JW, AGe, and I turned the corner, no one else was nearby so I took the opportunity to kill both of them. They were both free kills, as we’d already trapped them based on our knowledge of their vigilante role. I ran between them, tapped both their shoulders, and shouted many “bang!”s. However, I only actually killed JW outside Stever at 9:02 pm, as AGe pled guilty. She was a serial killer!

However, sadly enough, AGe was roleblocked that day and did not kill anyone the previous two days, so she just died of bloodlust at the end of the day, anyway. We were thus left with only one serial killer alive.

While this was going on at my end, VivL killed DD at 9:03 pm, also as people started dispersing from singing troupe.

A lot of people wanted to do a spirit search of singing troupe, so I stayed downstairs for a while to do that. (I figured I had a 50/50 chance of being deemed completely innocent, so why not?) But nothing ever actually happened, so I started losing patience.

Around the same time, EX posted in the live-action-mafia discord channel that he was suspicious of VivL (because apparently, EX saw VivL kill DD) and me. He eventually told me that he didn’t really have any particular reason for being suspicious of me, so I was starting to calm down and decided to go upstairs.

Then, right as I start going upstairs, AZ kills AGu! This happened at 10 pm in the third-floor lounge because he didn’t want to not kill anyone today. This actually used a third extra kill, but MG was nice and let it go.

At that point, I kind of freaked out, as I figured I might be a prime suspect because I was going upstairs at just the right time and EX apparently already suspected me. Thus, I grabbed the first person I saw on the stairs who happened to be playing mafia and started following them around as an alibi.

That person turned out to be AlW. I went around following him for a while, ran into some people who thought I was very strange, then he went downstairs and I lost him. I wasn’t really sure what to do, so I wandered around downstairs for a while and realized there was actually no point to doing all that because, thankfully, no one even noticed I’d left.

Then AZ killed EX at 10:10 pm!!! Apparently, AZ had seen something about EX suspecting us (and didn’t see the part about “don’t kill EX because then we’ll be suspected) in the mafia group chat, so he decided to kill EX. LH and AZ went into EX‘s room (the door was propped open) and did a honey jar splash + bang combo, killing EX. AZ gained a honey jar from killing EX.

Then, MLu managed to persuade everyone to vote AZ out. There was a whole story going on with MLu, too. Apparently, he was suspicious of AZ and even roleblocked AZ at one point (though I don’t know how AZ figured that out), so in order to curb that suspicion, AZ told MLu about being a pair investigator. However, MLu was still suspicious of AZ. I actually had a chance today to kill MLu, but because I didn’t want AZ to seem even more suspicious, I didn’t take it. Sadly, AZ still ended up dying.

The honey jar that AZ got from EX was redistributed after his execution to RW.

June 15 (Wednesday)

At 1:16 pm, VivL killed EL on the Stever staircase.

At 9:58 pm, LH killed MLu in the lounge.

JLef tried to trick the mafia into revealing ourselves by claiming to know who the mafia are and announcing that he’d be on the second floor waiting to tell people. None of the mafia actually showed up, though, because none of us were actually paying enough attention to be pulled into a trap. (Also, apparently he knew about VivL‘s identity as mafia the whole game, but chose not to tell)

At night, AR was executed.

Also, I felt bad for always abandoning VinL and DiL for the sake of sneaking around and doing suspicious things as mafia, so after much ado, I told them about being mafia. Then, they told me they suspected me all along! I find it very amusing that two kids not even playing the game are apparently better at figuring out the mafia than the actual players.

June 16 (Thursday)

EW and I were on our way to class at around 8:50 am. Then, I saw AlW walking in front of us, so after verifying that EW was not playing the game, I ran forward and killed AlW. VivL had at some point figured out AlW‘s role, so we’d already trapped AlW, making him a free kill.

Around 12:25 pm, JLef died outside Resnik. He and his friends (including VivL) were running through the hallway in Resnik Hall leading to the dining hall when they ran past LH. LH killed JLef when JLef started lagging a bit behind. However, as none of his friends actually noticed running past LH in the first place, they began suspecting one another of killing JLef.

CH is killed in the Stever Lounge by the serial killer at 6:17 pm.

Around this time, DiL and VinL come up to me and tell me something very sus happened after they returned from singing troupe. Apparently, LiT went up to VinL, tapped his shoulder, and said, “Bang!” Then, when VinL turned around to look at LiT, LiT says, “Oh, I thought you were TZ,” and leaves.

I was totally hyped, thinking I’d figured out the last serial killer! But when I bring this up to MG in our mafia discord chat AGe tells me that LiT isn’t even playing. He was just being a troll :(.

Then, the end of the day comes around and people start figuring out who to execute. After JLef‘s death, VivL‘s friends were beginning to seriously suspect her. She promised to do a spirit search to prove that she didn’t kill JLef. However, as everyone knows, VivL sleeps absurdly early (and wakes even more absurdly early), so before she could do so, she went to bed. Her friends did not want to wait until the next day, so instead, they used a pair investigation on her. The way the pair investigation works is that, if A killed B, it would return “innocent.” Otherwise, if A did not kill B, it would return something random.

The pair investigation on VivL returned “guilty,” so they knew she was innocent of the crime. (yes, I know, it was all very convoluted)

That night, I was executed, partly because I forgot to vote and thus voted for myself.

Because I was dead, I could finally be told who the last serial killer was. It was OS! When LR told me, I was incredibly shocked because half the time, I didn’t even remember she was playing!

June 17 (Friday)

LH killed RW at 10:40 pm in the Stever Lounge. It was technically an illegal kill, since kills aftr 10:30 pm are not allowed (unless the day is extended). However, MG allowed it anyway. RW has been on the kill list for a while because we wanted to get the honey jar that she got after AZ was executed.

HJ was executed.

June 18 (Saturday)

VivL killed RQ in the piano room at 10:09 am.

LH was executed :(.

June 19 (Sunday)

MG left MOP yesterday, so today, she was quite busy. As such, Live-action Mafia was put on hold for a day.

June 20 (Monday)

At 1 pm, DX died at Resnik. Essentially, what happened was that the TJ gang were all sitting together during lunch, and then VivL came over. She asked, “Who here is still in the game?” Even though half of town, including DX, apparently knew VivL was sus, DX raised his hand. Then he died. The end.

Then, EB died at 10:28 pm. I saw OS wandering around sort of aimlessly, trying to find someone to kill. If she didn’t kill anyone that day, she would die via bloodlust. However, many of the people still alive at that point (EB, VH, KS, and probably more) were gathered around the piano, singing while Turtle played. It was nigh impossible to actually get anyone alone.

Eventually, OS just walked over casually, tapped EB on the shoulder, whispered “Bang,” and wandered off again.


ESl was executed.

June 21 (Tuesday)

In order to speed up the game, MG changed the rules a bit. The mafia are now allowed to make 2 kills per day, while the serial killers are allowed one kill every day. Each person also gets two execution votes, and the top two voted will get executed. Also, 25% of living players will be randomly chosen to be given pair investigations.

VivL‘s strategy at this point was to spare all her friends, as they thought she was innocent after the whole thing with JLef. Besides, killing them would make VivL seem suspicious as she spends so much time with them.

OS killed SZ at 8:28 pm near the ping pong tables. As deaths are posted by MG thirty minutes after the occurrence, VivL didn’t actually know it happened, so around 8:50 pm, she went and tried to kill him, as well.

At 8:39 pm, VivL killed VH at Stever.

At 8:46 pm, VivL killed AnW near the water fountains in Stever.

TZ and HR were executed.

Only three townspeople were left.

June 22 (Wednesday)

VivL killed KS and SA simultaneously at 8:58 am in the green classroom (which was allowed, as class hadn’t started yet). Though there were witnesses, they were already all dead.

Then, at 12:18 pm, OS killed JD right outside the red and green classrooms. When I came out of red class, I just saw a bunch of people screaming and shouting. It was sort of obvious what had happened, so I started screaming and shouting, as well.


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